Wednesday, 23 December 2009
What a fat christmas pudding
Friday, 18 December 2009
Camping night out
The first half was more of a funny chat and it turned out that the whole audience thought he was camp. But what would you do if he asked you to cheer if you think he's camp? Even if he was butch, had a bull terrier on a lead and a huge tattoo on his forehead you would cheer. Actually come to think of it, that sounds camp anyway. Jesus, I don't know what camp is anymore, I've even just cocked my leg as I said that, cheer if you think I'm camp. No wonder he looks like Gino D'ACAMPO.
The second half was funnier again as he did a set he won an award for in Edinburgh. He talks about his life as a single man, his weird thoughts and observations. One included an old couple on a train who were forced to sit apart from each other. After a while Jon couldn't help noticing that the man reached across to his wife, and slapped her head very hard, then nonchalantly carried on reading. He reckons that if you can still play games like that and laugh about it, you've got is sussed. So I'm off to slap the girlfriend...
Friday, 11 December 2009
Soooooth Shields Joe to win
It's a massive show, brilliant for the area and the boy is a good singer. It's such a shame and annoying when the X-Factor video excerpts show old sofa's in back yards when the cameras come to South Shields. They really know how to paint the wrong picture. Anyway, good luck to Joe. Even Elvis is backing him. I got tickets for the live event in South Shields on Sunday but gave them to my niece, what a great uncle.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
In the market for a sausage
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
3 good time girls, 2 have-a-go hit-men, 1 suicidal double-act...
I was feeling a bit heavier while watching the play after a top notch meal again from Cafe Vivo. I decided to have real buffalo mozzarella for starters - proper creamy stuff, I could've jumped in it naked. I followed that with beautiful melting Veal, the once controversial meat. I was then forced into eating a chocolate and hazelnut tart. The waiter kindly added a free try of the home-made choc chip ice-cream. Wooo, when I write that down, why I am I not a fat get? No comments please.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Nowt to do with Herbie
Monday, 9 November 2009
Forget wheelchair races, what about pushchairs?
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Not much of an impression
Monday, 26 October 2009
Up the peaks with brown cheeks
Monday, 12 October 2009
A posh bloke in the toon
Monday, 5 October 2009
Bedroom wind
Anyway, I decided that I was going to do my version of Changing Rooms while the girlfriend was away in London at the weekend and surprise her. So as I'm now 40, I have a batch of sticks that I've saved over the years, ready for stirring paint. The Saturday morning was a morning of horrendous wind outside so I first had to deal with the greenhouse blowing over and general havoc the wind was causing which was a nice start, After that, the furniture was moved out, walls painted (3 coats), wallpapered one wall, stood on roller tray-smashed it, got paint on my shoe, got paint in my hair, opened the window about an inch, wind came in, blew the loft hatch off in on the stairs landing. Apart from that, it all went well even though the girlfriend rang me to say that her train was due in at 3:30PM instead of 5PM. From then I ran around like my ass was on fire to get things ready. It was all worth it to see her face when she walked in to the new room, not a tear in sight, or a Carol Cheesy Smiley.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
The willy contender
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
The modern wedding
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Burgers baby
Do it outside, it
Get your hands dirty, get them in the bowl and give the meat a good old work around.
Once you’re out of breath, you’re ready for a bit of patting, molding that meat, make sure you touch the sides.
Produce 6 lovely babies, double it if you’re a catholic or were born in Sunderland.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Thursday, 3 September 2009
The little burga made it
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Forget the IPhone, get an IPlate
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Manly burger
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Tynemouthing off
There's also a newly managed pub (used to be called The Percy Arms) and eating place called The Priory which is definitely worth a visit. It's got a modern feel and makes you want to take your shoes off and put your feet up. We called in for late drinks and there was live music on. The girl singing playing keyboards, backed by a guitarist had a pure voice and did some unusual twists on some popular songs. I nearly swung my pants on 2 occasions. A good atmosphere but I suppose after a few beers it always seems that way.
Monday, 17 August 2009
Count 40 rings on his forehead if you don't believe me
Monday, 10 August 2009
It's not just camels that have humps
It was good to get a away for the weekend despite the p0rn cows. We stayed at a big farmhouse near the Lake District. There's an outdoor pool 3 mile along the road in a place called Shap. I didn't go in as my posing trunks were left at home and I didn't want to alarm the animals (even though they had alarmed me as I've said). The girlfriend went in though until she couldn't take any more and had to attend to her frozen assets. On the Saturday night, I did the manly thing and cooked on the BBQ. This time it was my turn to wink at those cows as I flipped the meat.
Monday, 3 August 2009
2 Cocktails and a Packet of Crisps
I took the beautiful girlfriend out on Saturday night, not with a baseball bat, but for her young birthday (Happy Birthday - I know you read this religiously). We went off early doors to Nancy Bordello's in Newcastle, sounds like a very camp drag queen act, but it is infact a trendy pub place with modern Victorian decor. Popular with students but they’re all on daddy’s yacht at this time of year so we had lots of space for us tax payers.
A couple of cocktails and a packet of munster munch later we started to head off towards The Grainger Rooms. It's a modern british restaurant that gives you the feeling of being in a house, infact a Georgian house, which it was, so that figures. Sampling the food from local producers was superb; battered whiting with pickled cucumber dip, poached chicken with summer veg and local cheeses
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
A friend is lost
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Keep your kebab to yourself
Anyway, Santorini is a place to go back to and check out for a relaxing holiday, well worth hiring a car like we did to discover the island. This way you get to see the beautiful sunset like in this photo from the southern tip of the island in Faros. If you go on holiday, just make sure you don't sit next to 12 turkeys crammed into an aeroplane seat.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Smack the donkey
Sunday, 21 June 2009
How many times can you write the word piccalilli?
With a pretty full stomach it was off to the Magnesia Bank to see a below average band who murdered a Stevie Wonder song, wish I'd saved some piccalilli to throw at them. The saxophonist was really good though so it slightly made up for it.
So, are you hungry after reading this? I am. I'm off to make piccalilli, can't believe the main ingredient is cauliflower - urrrrgh, bad tasting evil brain looking food.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Twas on the 9th June...
Click here for news article.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Get those jockeys off
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Those Coastal Animals
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Chefs don't always get burns from pans
We started with dressed crab fresh from the North Sea, learning how to get at all that lovely meat and making our own mayonnaise. Truly delicious, well worth the wait after he had texted me 'I've got crabs' the previous day. The
I stuck a nice d
Friday, 8 May 2009
T in the street
Monday, 27 April 2009
Would you like to see some Llama's?
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Nasty Pasty, Frugal Google
Monday, 13 April 2009
Legs n Eggs