So, did you lovers out there treat your women good at the love weekend? Like they say to kids, "Everyday is Christmas for kids". It's the same in my house, the girlfriend might be younger than me but I don't say that to her, but I do say, "Everyday is like Valentine's Day". It still didn't stop me pushing the love boat out (euphemism not intended) with a Saturday night special menu presented to her on the day and prepared and cooked by yours truly.
Keeping it local, we had home-made craster kipper pate with herbed toast. To add to our kipper breath, for mains, it was fillet of beef on a crouton topped with a portobello mushroom and marsala sauce, sauted pototoes and creamed spinach. Both a mouthful to say and eat, but it went down pretty well. Now to make sure you get full brownie points, give the girl a homemade Lindt and almond chocolate fondant and top it with homemade honey ice-cream. You know you've got the fondant right when it oozes gooey chocolate when you delve into it. This picture proves the moment, although it does look a little like something left on the beach on a Sunday morning....
Forget flowers, forget chocolates, deliver these goods. She was wowed, star struck I reckon but well deserved. Happy Valentine to my beautiful girlfriend and to you and all who sail in you.
Good to see the snow back apart from the chaos it appears to cause in our country. I thought I wouldn't let it stop me though so I went for my weekend run in 4 inches of snow and I forgot how good it feels to step in and out of fresh snow and avoid the yellow patches. I got a few funny looks but the jaw was opened the widest from the old lady struggling through the snow with a walking frame. She thought I was mental, but what about her? Surely that's just as mental - going out at the age of 80 with a walking frame with dodgy wheels navigating through snow and ice. Oooh, the eldery of today...