Wednesday 30 September 2009

The willy contender

Had to take a picture of this in an Asian supermarket. My girlfriend laughed loud, the word Fu-Fu means a lot more to ladies, a nickname for the erm....well you know. Some girls called them 'Flower' too so imagine my surprise when the two words were almost put together! It's a staple food of Africa; the flour, that is.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

The modern wedding

Wedding ceremony's are just an excuse for a right good drink, we were at one in Leeds at the weekend and things have moved on in the modern wedding world. It's trendy now to have the whole day dedicated to the wedding, none of this going home and 'getting changed for the night do'. It saves on clothes and gives you more time to drink, socialise and have a nibble on some canapes. My canape was a concoction of venison and liquorice, that's no cheese and pineapple on a cocktail stick (which should make a come back by the way). The speeches were made by four people which lasted an hour or more and were all quite funny. The food was really good especially the mains which included a dustbin sized Yorkshire pudding which I was tempted to put on my head as a wedding hat for some reason. It's also a growing trend for the first dance to be cleverly choreographed and well practiced, you just need to look on YouTube. Seen as the groom used to be a dancer I was expecting something good but it just looked like 'dad-dancing' to me.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Burgers baby

Thanks to all who voted, I managed to WIN the burger recipe competition with Sainsbury’s Trynation. There’s only one thing for it, make those winning burgers. I reckon it’s like having a baby or practicing to have one:-

Do it outside,
it’s more fun and the neighbours can talk all about you to the other neighbours.

Get your hands dirty, get them in the bowl and give the meat a good old work around.
Once you’re out of breath, you’re ready for a bit of patting, molding that meat, make sure you touch the sides.

Produce 6 lovely babies, double it if you’re a catholic or were born in Sunderland.

Monday 14 September 2009


The burger recipe competition closes in a few days and I'm still in the lead by 4%, there were thousands of entries. If you haven't voted (many thanks if you have), forget the veggie burger in 2nd place and vote for me. Whose heard of a burger without meat anyway? I'm sure it's only in there for diversity reasons. I'm surprised the blue cheese burger was allowed in without having other burgers representing the spectrum of colours. The winner gets £500 worth of shopping so tins and crisps for family Xmas presents this year. GO VOTE FOR ME NOW, TELL YOUR FRIENDS, TELL THE WORLD

Thursday 3 September 2009

The little burga made it

Exciting burger times. My sundried tomato and pine nut burger has made the last 5 in a competition. So if you are reading this and would like to vote, please click here and select the 'Vote for this twist' button for Ian's sundried tomato and pine nut burger. Thanks for voting, will blog the results.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Forget the IPhone, get an IPlate

No the IPlate is not a piece of crockery that sings while you eat your dinner, but could really improve your internet performance. If you want to increase your broadband speed then take a look at the IPlate from BT. If you have a master BT socket, you can fit this in seconds and it could make a big difference. It did with me, my speed was 3.9MB average before fitting it and now it's gone up to 4.8MB average. I've regularly used SpeedTest to check my broadband performance (every man should check their performance once in a while) so I know that this has worked. This is well worth a pop, I got mine from the BT Shop for £6.