Monday 4 January 2010

New Year, same old

Thank god it is over, Christmas just makes your fingers automatically dip into sweet tins, nuts, chocolates, cheese, turkey and all the rest. Hope you all had a good time while eating yourself to death. We did (had a good time that is), we managed to get home in one piece after spending new year near Penrith at a farmhouse. There was a lot of snow, a New Years Eve bonfire and loads of food (again) and drink.

In the new year, I've now got to listen to people (as I do every year) telling me they're joining a gym
, go for a month then continue to pay £50 monthly for not going for a half the year. If you're one of those people, don't bother talking to me...

Also, the word 'treacherous'. Look, we never use this word normally so why do we insist on using it to describe the weather when it snows?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I see they've now cottoned on to the overused 'treacherous' word on Metro Radio now