Friday 21 December 2007

Black Christmas

A visit to Cambridge a week before Christmas meant going to a party in fancy dress. That's me dressed as a Christmas tree on the right.

Thursday 20 December 2007

Moneygrabbers comeuppance

Well it looks like the unhappiness of broadband customers being fobbed off with poor speeds has resulted in Ofcom getting involved. In 2008 they will have to be more truthful about what speeds you will achieve and if you're not happy with them you can change or back out the plan. Signing a government petition and responding to The Gadget Show campaign must have helped. For more info, see

Wednesday 12 December 2007

'Go To Sea' OCS

Seeing Ocean Colour Scene last night at the Carling Academy was just amazing (just like my girlfriend's dancing). What a 'proper' awesome band, with a string of superb well written songs over the past 15 years. The Go To Sea track was brilliant, Steve Cradock is a genius guitarist. Catch a train or riverboat and 'go to sea'...them.

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Large sausage

I ate a massive sausage at the Christmas market in Manchester at the weekend. My girlfriend was surprised how big it was.

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Dancing With Elves

This is very funny, take a look at my mother and uncles dancing as small green little people -
There's some smaller elves again: my cousins, nephew and neice -

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Moneygrabber broadband

Broadband - why don't we get what we pay for in the UK? I've paid for better broadband speed, but random tests on it show I get the same rate as before. Annoying and wrong. Sign a government petition to get something done. Also, visit The Gadget Show to test your own speeds and campaign for the truth about broadband speeds.

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Smoking doesn't just kill the smoker

This illegal smoking issue in The Tyne Tunnel has sparked off a lot of anger with smokers . Let's get one thing straight, this is not about smoking, it's about safety. A fuel leak and a cigarette butt thrown inside a tunnel could be disastrous, that's my point. If smokers can refrain from smoking at a petrol station then it's the same thing. See South Shields Gazette and Guardian articles. I may post the House of Commons response here in the near future.

Sunday 18 November 2007

Don't put your butt out the window

After my success in getting the Tyne Tunnel management to warn drivers of the dangers of throwing cigarette butts out of the window inside the tunnel, The Sunday Sun have now printed an article about it. Click here to see it.

Thursday 15 November 2007

Frankie says laugh

The normally brilliant comedian Frank Skinner wasn't so brilliant as I'd expected watching him live at the local theatre. I'm suprised by the random words that some thick people in the audience shout out though. Frank once said "A dog is not intelligent. Never trust an animal that's surprised by its own farts."

Wednesday 14 November 2007

The whole thing could blow

For some reason I was compelled to write to my MP after seeing drivers throw cigarette butts out of their car window INSIDE the Tyne Tunnel while queuing. It's paid off; my MP replied and a few days later, big LCD screens state that it is illegal to smoke inside the tunnel.

Monday 22 October 2007

UK is not mere

You don't need to go abroad when you have the Lake District. This amazing photo I took on my phone in Buttermere at the weekend.

Sunday 7 October 2007


Visited Menorca for the first time, a beautiful island but full of large people and ginger people from the UK. I was looking out for Mick Hucknall on a sunbed.

Friday 21 September 2007

Sean Hughes 10 years on

Good to see comedian Sean Hughes back on tour, went to see him performing in the same place I went to see him about 10 years ago. He looks the same, much like me I suppose.

Sunday 16 September 2007

Doormen don't have a sense of humour

How dare the doorman tell us to be quiet at the comedy club the other night, aren't you supposed to laugh! The time before that, one of the comedians took the huff because no-one was laughing!

Sunday 26 August 2007

Pigs can't escape

Another pig got a roasting at Hayley & Staff's BBQ. Pease pudding, a bun and some pig, better than a bog standard spit roast.

Saturday 4 August 2007

Back from Cyprus

Cyprus is a beautiful place, visited some villa's for sale. Missed a certain person though. I see her in my dreams, see her in my shadow.

Friday 6 July 2007

Birds and beards

Won beard growing competition recently, I spent a week (s)training for the perfect beard. Some cheeky girls judged it.

Sunday 1 July 2007

Spit roast

A pig got a right roasting at the works department annual BBQ. It's not a cult gathering or anything, just a hog roast.

Thursday 21 June 2007

Life turns

Just when you think there's nothing left to stumble upon, you stumble across something/someone and life changes. A beautiful distraction. A discovery.

Sunday 17 June 2007

Preview Chasing Cars song

Click here to listen to a snippet of my charity song Chasing Cars. This will not be how it sounds in the end, but it shows I'm actually doing something. You can check on song progress here.

Bob from the grave

At last, the seriousness of prostate cancer is getting media attention with a Bob Monkhouse advert. This is a man killer and is likely to be hereditary, so get yourself checked, I have.

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Not Kate's Bush

Watched singer/songwriter Kate Nash at The Cluny (before she was famous), she's not bad, shame about the accent though. I was distracted by a girl there, I think she likes me.

Monday 11 June 2007

Boss reaches 40

BIG SURPRISE for my (ex)boss, Mik, who is 40 years old on Mon June 11th. You must see his video-song, it's on You Tube doing very well too. Happy Birthday you old old man, get a haircut.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Look at the dust on that

A tip for you - don't go looking at show homes with your mate. It looks very suspect.

Saturday 19 May 2007

Crap Celebs

Crap Celebs have now been added to this web site. If you're a crap celebrity you might make it on this page one day.

Monday 7 May 2007

Brown Control

Going to see Derren Brown perform live. I'm not sure whether he's mind controlled me into it.

Saturday 14 April 2007

Old bro

My brother reached 40 years old in April, how sad. He can take up golf now and buy a caravan. Off to Dublin to celebrate with a single Guiness. If you're a family member or friend you can see some 40th photo's and the spoon game here.

Sunday 8 April 2007

Coast run

Completed 10K North Tyneside run along Tynemouth and Whitley Bay coastline on Easter Sunday. It was just like a vindaloo; hot and windy.