Wednesday 29 July 2009

A friend is lost

RIP Ian Wills. A real good friend who sadly recently took his own life. He was part of my group of friends from University and we'd kept in touch for many years. We were just out celebrating 40th birthdays only a couple of months ago. It taught us all a lesson. You never really know someone. Your mind can be your enemy yet it's so precious, it can hold thoughts that no-one would ever know. Our thoughts go out to all who knew him.

Thursday 23 July 2009

Keep your kebab to yourself

I wish I was back in Santorni, a little Greek island we just returned from. What a place, unspoilt by the Brits and the family matching football shirts, very cosmopolitan, beautiful scenery and traditional greek food. It was disturbing to see a lady by the pool resembling Bubbles Devere from Little Britain. She wasn't shy, full bikini, probably made out of an old parachute. I nearly choked on my ouzo when I looked up to see her hanging her parachute up to dry, a towel round her waist (or a marquee), which slipped to reveal her backside. Oh my god, I couldn't breathe, it was like looking at 12 naked turkeys huddled tightly together fearing for their lives. There's no way I was going to try a Greek kebab after this incident.

Anyway, Santorini is a place to go back to and check out for a relaxing holiday, well worth hiring a car like we did to discover the island. This way you get to see the beautiful sunset like in this photo from the southern tip of the island in Faros. If you go on holiday, just make sure you don't sit next to 12 turkeys crammed into an aeroplane seat.